Frequently asked questions
Residual Funds from Fixed Price Awards
When residual funds from fixed price awards are transferred off of the sponsored project to a Sponsored Residual account, ASU must first recover its portion of Indirect Costs at ASU’s full federal Facilities & Administrative (F&A) cost rate. This applies even to accounts with a reduced F&A rate. Also, justifications for any residual balances greater or equal to 20% of the total award after all final accounting adjustments, must be reviewed and approved by the Award Management Team (AMT) Assistant Director.
Cultural Review Process, Native American Involvement:
Before undertaking any activity or project that has the potential to affect or includes a tribal government, its community, land, or tribal members, a cultural review must be performed to determine whether tribal government input, participation, or approval is required.
Learn more: Cultural Review Process, Native American Involvement website
Export control regulations
Export control regulations are federal laws that restrict the export of information, goods, and technology. Export controls may apply when an item, information or software is being sent outside U.S. borders, or when it is being shared with “foreign persons or entities” in the U.S.
Unsure if you need an export license for your research project? Visit the Export controls and security website
Is it necessary to work with Research Advancement staff in order to submit a grant proposal?
Answer: Yes, all externally funded projects must be routed and submitted through SSEBE Research Advancement and ORSPA. This also includes letters of intent, concept papers, and some internal opportunities. The team assists you in evaluating grant opportunities, coordinating proposal development, and ensuring institutional approval for submission of grant proposals. In addition, the SSEBE Research Advancement staff has specific expertise that will increase the competitiveness of grant proposals. The staff has successful experience in helping develop federal, state, foundation, and industry grant proposals.
I have been asked to partner on a grant proposal submitted by another external organization and/or to provide a letter of commitment for another applicant’s grant proposal. Do I need to contact SSEBE Research Advancement?
Answer: Yes. All grant-related commitments are processed through the SSEBE Research Advancement department. If you’ve been asked to partner on a grant or provide a letter of support/commitment, please complete a Proposal Intake Form as soon as possible for assistance. Please do not commit the University to any activity without checking with the SSEBE Research Advancement department. We will assist with the preparation and submission of a letter and other required documents for a collaborative proposal.
Why does a grant proposal require institutional approval?
Answer: A grant award is a legal obligation and commitment by ASU, due diligence is needed to ensure that appropriate individuals are aware of and approve of a grant proposal before it is developed and submitted to the funder. ASU is legally responsible for all grant expenditures not an ASU faculty member. A number of issues may be identified during the review of the funding opportunity, approval process, including the likelihood of funding, ability to charge indirect costs, and availability of matching funds(cost share requirements).
How long does it take to learn whether a grant has been accepted for funding by a sponsor?
Answer: It depends on the funding source and can range from 2 weeks to 12 months. It often takes around 6 months to learn about federal awards. When budgeting for a proposal submission it is best to include a start date six months from the sponsors submission due date unless the funding opportunity states otherwise.
I have been awarded a new grant as the Principal Investigator. What should I do next?
Answer: After we receive formal notification of a new grant award, your assigned Post-Award accountant will contact you with your award information and to schedule a meeting to discuss your award including the highlights of the grant, including the objectives, reporting and budget requirements, activity implementation, and university grant management protocols will be reviewed.
What is the single most important thing I should do as a new Principal Investigator?
Answer: Be familiar with your approved grant proposal. Your proposal is your blueprint of what you should do, when it needs to be done, who is responsible for it, and what you should accomplish. See also RSP 103: Principal Investigator Responsibilities
How do I know what is allowable under a grant?
Answer: Every grant award has a unique set of requirements and regulations. The best place to get started is to always reach out to your assigned Post-Award accountant with any questions. Your Post-Award accountant is knowledgeable about the public and private rules, regulations, University policies, and all policies and procedures that govern contract and grant awards.
How should I respond to a funding sponsor asking for information about my grant?
Answer: Before you respond to any inquiry, please contact your assigned Post-Award accountant. They can often help “decode” what the funding sponsor is seeking and help draft a response with the most current information.