Welcome new students!
The Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering are home to over 30 engineering student organizations, ranging from honors and professional associations to groups creating underwater robots, concrete canoes and launching rockets. Student organizations are excellent opportunities to learn about career possibilities as many of the student groups operate in conjunction with industry professional societies. We have over 60 student organizations to join!
Make sure you check your mail and your email for important information about next steps for new students.
- Freshmen, we can’t wait to see you at E2 Camp (for freshman only).
- Transfer students, learn more about your transition to asu at the ASU transfer student website and the Fulton Schools transfer student website. In addition, you may have additional housing options or a need to make a commuting plan.
- Graduate students, also do not attend E2 Camp. please review the welcome letter.
- All students must attend orientation before registering for classes. The sooner you go, the better chance you’ll have at a schedule you like.
You can also look for information in My ASU. My ASU is a great resource for information that is tailored to you. You’ll need to know your ASURITE ID and password to log-in.
If you still have questions, please contact an advisor at 480-965-0595 or [email protected].