Construction management and technology undergraduate program objectives and student learning outcomes

Program Educational Objectives:

The educational objectives of the Construction Management and Technology program at Arizona State University are to prepare its graduates such that three to five years after graduating they have demonstrated in their professional practice the ability to:

  1. Lead collaboration with professionals across the Architectural/Engineering/Construction (AEC) community to improve the project delivery process.
  2. Ethically engage in professional practice
  3. Demonstrate lifelong learning skills through certifications, professional development, and registration as appropriate for their employers.
  4. Address sustainably the needs of society through the built environment.
  5. Successfully balance technical aspects of applied construction science and practical applications of construction.
  6. Value Diversity and be inclusive within the work environment.

Student Outcomes:
Upon graduation from the DEWSC Construction Management and Technology Program, a graduate will have:

(1) An ability to identify, formulate, and solve broadly defined technical or scientific problems by applying knowledge of mathematics and science and/or technical topics to areas relevant to the discipline.
(2) An ability to formulate or design a system, process, procedure or program to meet desired needs.
(3) An ability to develop and conduct experiments or test hypotheses, analyze and interpret data and use scientific judgment to draw conclusions.
(4) An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences.
(5) An ability to understand ethical and professional responsibilities and the impact of technical and/or scientific solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts.
(6) An ability to function effectively on teams that establish goals, plan tasks, meet deadlines, and analyze risk and uncertainty.


Student enrollment and graduation data are available at