by Ashwath Bhat | Aug 28, 2018 | Associate professor, Construction, Faculty, Tenure-track
James ErnzenAssociate Professor Research InterestsAlternate project delivery methods, project management and safety, reinforced concrete design [email protected] 566Tempe...
by Kristin Gasser | May 21, 2019 | Associate professor, Construction, Faculty, Tenure-track
Elham (Ellie) FiniAssociate Professor Research InterestsSustainable construction, bio-based and bio-inspired materials, adhesives and sealants for use in construction, multi-scale characterization and modeling, surface and interface characterization...
by akey8 | Aug 28, 2018 | Construction, Emeritus, Faculty
George E. Gibson, Jr.Professor Emeritus Research InterestsFront end planning, risk management, safety, alternative project delivery, leadership...
by Ashwath Bhat | Aug 28, 2018 | Construction, Faculty, Named Faculty, Tenure-track
David GrauAssociate Professor, Sundt Professor of Alternative Delivery Methods and Sustainable Development Research InterestsSystems engineering, uncertainty and risk, automation, computing, and remote sensing, lean philosophy and processes, construction productivity...
by Matthew Eicher | Aug 28, 2018 | Assistant Teaching Professor, Construction, Faculty
Kristen HurtadoAssistant Teaching Professor Research InterestsProject planning and risk management, construction education and training, construction industry analytics, project management, facility management [email protected] 466Tempe...
by Matthew Eicher | Sep 3, 2019 | Assistant Teaching Professor, Construction, Faculty
Barry KutzAssistant Teaching Professor Research InterestsPreconstruction delivery [email protected] 468Tempe...